Buy market reports
BUYMARKETREPORTS.COM - a supplier of relevant information on the market of marketing research. Among the competencies of the agency:
competitive analysis
analysis of the development strategy of key players,
assessment of the economic environment
market volume
historical dynamics and development forecasts,
regional slice,
rating of promising regions,
dynamics and trends in production,
import Export,
retail price trends by segment,
trends and trends in consumer behavior,
franchises, sales channels, loyalty programs.
Data sources and analysis methods: official statistics and BUYMERKETREPORTS owns databases, own developments of mathematical and statistical data processing models, surveys and consumer surveys, paid databases, media monitoring. Research is updated every year: historical and fundamental indicators are accompanied by an analysis of the latest trends and recent trends in the market.
These studies are often conducted on a systematic basis and can be classified as follows:
1. Market Research:
determination of the size and nature of the market (characteristics of consumers by age, sex, income, profession and social status);
determination of the geographical location of potential consumers;
Determination of the relative weight of the goods of the main competitors in the total sales volume in this market. Study of the structure, composition and organization of the sales network serving this market;
analysis of general economic and other external trends affecting the structure of the market.
2. Sales Research:
determination of differences in sales volume for individual areas;
establishment and revision of the boundaries of marketing districts. Planning visits to customers by salespeople. Change in the efficiency of marketers;
evaluation of methods of trade and sales promotion. Analysis of the efficiency of the distribution network in the amount of "expenses - profit". Inventory of commodity stocks of a retail network.
3. Research of consumer properties of goods (Product Research):
analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of competing products
(i.e., goods not only of their firm, but also of its competitors);
The search for new ways of using the manufactured products. Analysis of the ideas of new products. Testing of new products with the involvement of consumers. Research in the field of packaging. Exploring the possibilities of simplifying the assortment.
4. Advertising Research:
analysis of the effectiveness of advertisements;
analysis of the effectiveness of means of advertising distribution;
analysis of the effectiveness of advertising work.
5. Business Economics:
cost-to-output analysis;
short-term and long-term forecasting, based on trend analysis;
price-earnings analysis.
6. Motivation Research.
7. Study of foreign trade marketing (Export Marketing Research).
The above list is by no means exhaustive, but merely outlines the boundaries of possible research activities.
Market research
Ways to organize marketing research
Marketing research can be organized and conducted either with the help of a specialized research agency or with the help of the company's own research department.
Organization of the study with the help of its own research department
Our own research department is engaged in marketing research in accordance with the information needs of the company.
Research by own strength is cheaper than ordered.
Confidentiality is high, as the circle of dedicated participants is narrow.
The experience of conducting research is limited, specialists are generally more general.
The objectivity of research results can be questioned, since the attitude of employees may be biased in favor of their own firm; In addition, researchers are dependent on leadership.
Technical support is immaterial; as a rule, there is the most universal equipment and software.
Organization of the study with the help of a specialized research agency
Specialized research agencies carry out a variety of studies, the results of which can help the firm solve existing problems.
The quality of the research is high, as research firms have rich experience, they have highly qualified specialists in the field of research.
The results of the research are highly objective, since the researchers are independent of the customer.
Specialized firms are given great opportunities in choosing research methods due to the availability of special equipment for research and processing of their results.
The cost of the research is quite high, research costs more than those performed by the internal research team.
Knowledge of the features of the product is limited by common representations.
There is a higher probability of information leakage, since many people are involved in the research.
Here goes the title
Повседневная практика показывает, что такая сложившаяся структура организации требуют от нас анализа систем массового участия.
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Не следует, однако забывать, что как и эта новая модель этой организационной деятельности требуют от нас анализа дальнейших действий.
Here goes the title
Разнообразный и богатый опыт новая модель нашей организационной деятельности лучше способствует реализации новых предложений.