Mission as a way of motivation
The fact that it is impossible at the same time to bring happiness to mankind and earn money is not immediately perceived at different levels of management in the company. These goals can be implemented sequentially (or one can be the result of the implementation of another). At the same time, it is desirable that the chosen priority goal meets the expectations of the external environment or market. Then the mission really performs its function uniting the company's philosophy, contributing to success in the selected market segment.
In order for the mission to become one of the leading moral motivations of the company's employees, they must want to believe in it, accept the innovations associated with it, and unite into a group of like-minded people for the successful implementation of the tasks arising from the mission.
I want to offer several recommendations that will help shorten the period of reflection by the mission’s staff so that it becomes an internal motivating factor.
It is necessary to create a continuity between the previous values and the new ones: explain how one follows from the other. The new is the result of the positive development of the former.
It is necessary to think over the system of changes in knowledge - training programs, stages of distribution of new instructions, options for introducing new standards of lifestyle within the organization.
To shorten the period for making changes in knowledge, changes are required in the individual attitudes of team members. It is very important who will change their settings first. These should be people who are socially significant for this group - not necessarily formal leaders. "Pioneers" should have a strong charisma to carry with them at least some of the least inert employees. This is how the “core of innovations” is formed (so far only in the heads).
From a change in individual attitudes one must follow to a change in individual behavior. Most often, our feeling that it’s time to change something becomes just an excuse for lengthy discussions "in the kitchen", at meetings, in smoking rooms. After long discussions, the illusion arises that the changes have already come (or they will come by themselves), while the production process continues to be done. Small victories are very important here: each new model embedded in the main process must be presented in the key of the mission’s philosophy and maintained for a long time, otherwise it will “resolve” in the old habits and create a feeling that change is impossible in principle.
From here it is clear how important group change patterns of behavior. The notorious principle - you need, you do - does not work in the constructive implementation of innovations. It is important that new samples be adopted and carried out in the life of groups engaged in a single technological chain. Consequently, the training of new models should go on units - from the boss to his last subordinate.
It is desirable that the team was explained the need for innovation. In this case, the simpler the explanation, the less questions arise. Therefore, an explanation of the innovations in terms of their compliance with the company's mission is the shortest and most painless way, since the explanation sounds very accessible: "In accordance with the mission, this is our way." And that's all.
All innovations should be connected in a single logical chain. A mission here can act as a "common denominator" to bring changes together. The more diverse the innovations are grouped under the mission's compliance flag, the faster the desired result is achieved, which can be formulated as follows: after a certain time the staff will have an associative array - change = mission compliance = any proposed change corresponds to the mission goals, and therefore should be taken as a guide to action. In other words, the mission begins to act as an internal motivation for adopting innovations, which is what was required to prove.
Slogans as the quintessence of the company's mission
"To be ahead of the rest ..." - such slogans adorn the halls of headquarters or corporate leaflets of the largest companies. They remind of the mission that the companies have chosen to lead, and help create a fighting spirit in the team. The theme of the selection and declaration of the mission is multifaceted. Therefore, the article will be devoted to the tip of this iceberg - the slogans of companies, expressing the quintessence of the mission and strategy of companies. The concept of the "mission of the company" appeared when psychologists began to talk seriously about the collective mind - that large groups of people obey different laws of behavior than individuals. A skilled leader can turn their forces in the right direction - to the destruction or conquest of the world. It was believed that the individual is more subject to instincts and desires, and ideas rule the collective. They need the right mission. Business is a team sport where victory is achieved only through joint efforts, therefore coaching is provided. But if in sports the goal for athletes is visible, and the coach does not need to be reminded where to throw the ball, then in business the reference points are blurred. It is necessary to identify the gate, which should be beaten. How tolOnly the most successful workshops and offices began to transform into giant corporations, and it became difficult for the formal leader to personally influence each employee, and the mission became an indispensable management tool. Today you will not meet a single corporation without its mission. In the West, even aspiring entrepreneurs, when drawing up a business plan, it is recommended to foresee this issue and explore the slogans of the leaders of their market sector. Follow this advice. A mission is a picture of a desired future, and there may be many details in it. For example, Pechnikar, the president of the board of the largest pharmaceutical concern, Hoechst Austria, designated it this way: “Our mission is to ensure that in the future we can only do business that is reliable from a production-economic point of view and gives us the opportunity to receive resources not only for scientific work, but also for organizational development, and the social sphere. " The theme of the selection and declaration of the mission is multifaceted. Therefore, the article will be devoted to the tip of this iceberg - the slogans of companies, expressing the quintessence of the mission and strategy of companies. There is a belief that sincere recognition that the main reason for the business - making a profit, is considered vulgar and even harmful. The largest corporations were able to become leaders only because they were striving for high goals. For this reason, in the West, every self-respecting company has proclaimed a slogan - practical or idealistic, threatening to save the universe or more modest, but the word “profit” is never mentioned there. The creator of "La Revlon", Charles Revlon (1905 - 1975), half a century ago was among the first to accurately and without trying to throw dust into the eyes he defined the mission of his company as the sale of the "Promise of Hope". Buying his products, people get the hope of improving their image (but not the true natural beauty). Modern examples of corporate missions are more than enough. In DHL, the mission recognized the desire to become a world leader in the delivery of mail. Clear and accessible. And the official philosophy of General Electric is recognized - no more, no less - a statement: "Progress is our main product." The company "General Electric" manufactures the most modern type of equipment. As soon as a new product appears on the market, General Electric ceases production of the existing one, but is more outdated, and is trying to develop an even better one. The slogan of the corporate mission declares the core values of the company, from which it will not retreat under any circumstances. This means that if General Electric offers a highly paid order for the production of outdated equipment, management will refuse to accept it. The mission of the company is needed primarily to coordinate the work of the younger staff and personnel reserve, not participating in the planning meetings, where the development strategy is developed, and also for customers. It is difficult to say for whom in the first place. Often, the mission serves not only as an encouraging slogan for employees, but also as an advertisement for the company. "Quality at a reasonable price" - declares the American firm "Sears and Roubek". Rules of the mission statement Most often, the mission is formulated in a brief sentence that can be placed on company vehicles, booklets, packaging of finished products and on letterheads. "One-stop service!" - flaunts on corporate papers of the American corporation ATT. More rarely, missions are set out in a more complex form, for example, in quotes from the founder or a statement by one of the presidents of a country that mentions this company or appeals to its employees. "What is good for the country is good for General Motors, and what's good for General Motors is good for the country," every American heard the words of Charles E. Wilson, president of General Motors. Sometimes, usually in Japan, the mission is recorded in a hymn, which is performed at ceremonial corporate events or daily, when the flag of a corporation is raised. "Grow industry, grow and develop! Harmony and sincerity!" - This is the anthem of the Matsushita Electric Consultant company, which top managers cite when they need to raise morale in their subordinates. To create a mission, several elements are necessary: Reference to social values; Reference to the direction of the business; Expression of readiness for maximum effort to achieve the goal. Each group that has a goal of joint activity can and should have a mission. By the way, the slogan "Workers of all countries, unite!" - compiled illiterately, because it is not indicated - why they need it. Maybe that's why the result was unsuccessful. The slogan uses positive vocabulary to refer to global values and to underline the company's capabilities and good intentions. For example, the mission of the company "Du Pont" sounds like this: "With the best things for a better life with the help of chemistry." One of the reasons for success is that she always abandoned the project before it began to become obsolete. And in the era of advanced technology goods changes rapidly.As soon as something new appears - "Du Pont" becomes the leader. Excellent reception - the use of metaphors and colorful expressions. The slogan of the Bashkir Republican Investment Credit Bank “Money is the Bashkir national ornament” is amazing, I remember golden necklaces with a cascade of coins. Psychologists recommend avoiding negative phrases like: "We will not inflate you and not drop them," as was done by a Moscow company that organized trips on balloons. The subconscious perception does not perceive the particle “not” and will immediately create a terrible picture in your mind, in this case, tricks and falls. The use of the words "always" and "never" should be avoided. When "a lone handicraftsman with a motor" to Ostap Bender's question: "Your political credo?" - replied: "Always!". This expression could not be considered as its mission, because the category of time practically never appears in slogans. That is why it is impossible to use one-day slogans with deadlines, similar to the November appeals of the regional party committees; "We will collect a record harvest for the anniversary of the revolution." But, on the other hand, the mission statement, which takes into account the moods and aspirations of contemporaries, has an extremely strong impact. “A strong bank for a strong country,” the Menatep Bank announced once. It attracted investors. And when there was a crisis, the banking management had nothing to reproach. Right! What is the country, such is the bank. Companies can not take slogans completely inadequate to their strength and scope. Imagine a family car repair shop recently opened in the village, with the inscription on the gates: "Universal service for any equipment in the world." This will be perceived as a little joke. The words "We will restore your equipment quickly and cheaply" will be quite appropriate. But if this workshop, in a few decades, succeeds in becoming an international network of generalized maintenance services, the initial joke can turn into a real mission of the company. You can advise the domestic manufacturer to use the theory and practice of well-known foreign companies. If your company supplies capital markets with sausage, then you firmly expect to seize the domestic market and are already taking some steps in this direction - boldly threaten the title of "breadwinner of the motherland." Why not? The main thing is to justify this statement in the coming years.