Marketing research is a continuous, systematic activity for collecting and subsequent comprehensive analysis of the information necessary for the company to choose an effective strategy, reduce business risk, promote goods or services in the market, meet the needs of the buyer, with the aim of maximizing profits and further development and growth of the company. Professionally conducted marketing research allows the company management to make correct and effective management decisions based on the information received about the company's prospects and its product in specific markets, the needs and preferences of customers, the company's performance in terms of promoting its products in the market. Marketing research involves obtaining, studying and analyzing information about the mass of parameters: this includes market research, prices, and competitors' activities, as well as fluctuations in demand, consumer needs and preferences, and advertising.
There are two main areas of marketing research:
marketing research with the aim of identifying problems during which the potential of the market, market share, etc. are studied;
marketing research aimed at solving problems (product research, pricing policy, market segmentation and other research).
Marketing research is carried out in stages: at the first stage, tasks are set and marketing research objectives are determined, depending on which type of research is chosen - whether exploratory (preliminary) marketing research, descriptive marketing research, or causal (causal) marketing research will be conducted. Next, the method of collecting information is determined - information can be secondary or primary, specially obtained to solve a specific problem. Methods for collecting primary information are divided into methods for collecting qualitative data (focus groups, in-depth interviews, protocol analysis), methods for collecting quantitative data (various surveys, questionnaires at points of sale of goods) and mix techniques (hall-test after viewing an advertisement, home- test after product testing at home, mystery shopping - “mystery shopper”). The obtained data are systematized, processed, analyzed and a report is compiled on the basis of this analysis. Marketing research allows the company to strengthen its existing position, to respond in a timely manner to changes in supply and demand, improve the product, successfully compete and develop new markets.