The report consists of 8 chapters.
Chapter 1 presents the technical characteristics of the study.
Chapter 2 contains information about the level of Internet penetration in the United States: the number of users of Internet services, trends and forecasts for further development.
Chapter 3 describes the main criteria for users when choosing an Internet provider, as well as the main characteristics of the services of Moscow companies in the market: average price, connection speed, additional services
Chapter 4 is devoted to describing the activities of Moscow Internet providers in the main market segments: the Internet for the home or the public-private market, the Internet for the office, and the mobile Internet — according to such parameters as: volume, growth rate, development trends, main leaders and their tariffs.
Chapter 5 contains information on the level of Internet penetration in Moscow as a whole and in individual districts, as well as the classification of the leading hundred Internet providers by districts of Moscow.
Chapter 6 describes the basic technologies for connecting to the Internet: ethernet, dial-up, adsl, via TV cable, via satellite, and wireless Internet access. The same chapter provides information on which Internet service providers operate on these technologies in Moscow.
VGlava 7 reviewed the views of users in relation to the leading Moscow Internet providers and based on them the national rating of Internet providers.
Chapter 8 describes the activities of the leading Internet providers in Moscow: their subscriber base, tariffs for individuals and legal entities, additional services provided.
Purpose of the study
To conduct the USA (Analysis) of the activities of Internet providers in Moscow.
Objectives of the study:
1. To determine the level of Internet penetration among US citizens and highlight the main trends in its development;
2. To characterize the level of Internet penetration in Moscow as a whole and in individual districts;
3. Describe the main characteristics of Internet service providers in Moscow: average tariffs, speed, possible additional services;
4. Identify and describe the general situation, growth factors and activities of leading Moscow Internet providers in such market segments as:
• Internet for home,
• Internet for office,
• Mobile Internet;
5. To classify Moscow Internet providers depending on:
• regional representation,
• connection technologies,
• user preferences;
6. Describe the main Moscow Internet providers
Object of study
The activities of Internet providers in Moscow
Data collection method
Monitoring of materials of printed and electronic business and specialized publications, analytical reviews of the market; The Internet; marketing and consulting materials; research results DISCOVERY Research Group.
US Methods Data Analysis
Traditional US content (Analysis) documents.
Information base of research:
1. Printed and electronic, business and specialized publications.
2. Internet resources.
3. Company materials.
4. Analytical review articles in the press.
5. The results of research marketing and consulting agencies.
6. Expert estimates.
7. Materials of industry institutions and Discovery Research Group database:
• USA (Analysis) of trends and events in the market is carried out through a database of leading domestic newspapers and magazines Integrum. The database includes publications such as Economic Issues, Statistical Issues, Forecasting Problems, Vedomosti, Kommersant (with attachments), American newspaper, Economics and Life, and much more. There are a total of about 500 American magazines, more than 250 central and more than 1,000 regional newspapers. The depth of the archive ranges from two to eight years;
Brief description of the study
Ready USA (Analysis) of the Moscow Internet providers market. The study contains information on the market volume, growth rates, trends and development prospects and other key indicators.
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