Analysis of the newsprint market in Russia in 2013-2017, the forecast for 2018-2022
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In 2013-2017, sales of newsprint in Russia showed an annual reduction. In 2017, the minimum value of the indicator over the five-year period was recorded - 350 thousand tons, which is 29% less than in 2013. With the development of the Internet and the spread of electronic media, newspapers are losing their former demand. Not only the circulation of newspapers, but also the publication of advertisements made on newsprint are falling.
In 2013-2017, the volume of newsprint production in Russia decreased by 9.4%: from 1.6 to 1.4 million tons. In the period under review, on average, 74.2% of the output was exported.
Based on Rosstat data on newsprint production from January to July 2018, in 2018 a slight increase in output can be expected - by 0.5% compared with 2017. In 2019-2022, a decline in production is expected at a rate of 1.3- 0.5% per year. Several factors will affect the slowdown in newsprint production. The fall in demand for newsprint is a process characteristic of developed countries. Global manufacturers are already diversifying paper machines to other types of paper (packaging, cardboard, etc.). Every year, global production capacity is significantly reduced. After crowding out extra volumes, the remaining newsprint manufacturers may linger on the market, according to experts, another 10 years. Expected stability will be provided by increased consumption of newspapers in India, Asia and Africa.
Russian newsprint is produced mainly from primary fiber, and therefore has a higher competitive advantage compared to products from other countries where paper is produced from waste paper. Moreover, due to the difference in exchange rates, domestic producers are able to offer a competitive price for newsprint on the world market. Thus, by continuing to focus on the external market, domestic producers will be able to avoid a sharp drop in production, despite the reduction in demand for newsprint in the country. BusinesStat estimates that the share of exports in production by 2022 will increase to 86%.
“Analysis of the newsprint market in Russia in 2013-2017, forecast for 2018-2022” includes the most important data necessary for understanding the current market situation and assessing the prospects for its development:
The economic situation in Russia
Sales of newsprint, wholesale price of newsprint
Supply and demand balance, newsprint stock
Production volume, price of newsprint producers
Export and import newsprint
Manufacturers Ratings by Financial Indicators
The data on the largest producers of newsprint are given: Mondi SLPK, Solikamskbumprom, Kondopoga, Volga.
BusinesStat is preparing an overview of the global newsprint market, as well as reviews of the CIS, EU and selected countries of the world.
The review presents ratings of the largest importers and exporters of newsprint. The rating of the largest foreign companies receiving Russian newsprint and the rating of the largest foreign suppliers of newsprint are also presented.
In preparing the review used official statistics:
Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation
Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation
EurAsEC Customs Union
world Trade organisation
Along with the official statistics, the review contains the results of BusinesStat research:
Newsprint Audit
Survey of forest and wood industry experts