The increase in wool production is due to increased demand, which is associated with the recovery of the market after the overproduction crisis. In 2010, wool prices and volumes of its release will reach an acceptable level for producers and consumers, which will cause an increase in the total market volume. According to BusinesStat, by 2014 the volume of wool production will be 2.41 million tons. It should be noted that the growth in demand will be slow, not more than 2-3% per year. Wool will continue to yield its positions to other types of fibers.
The wool market is a pronounced global market, where large manufacturing countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Uruguay, South America are traditionally represented. More than half of all the dirty wool produced in the world is imported. Producing countries often sell uncut raw wool.
Due to the significant stockpiles of semi-finished wool products accumulated in the world as a result of the crisis, the production of semi-finished wool products will stagnate in the coming years. Enterprises will increase the demand for wool semifinished products, but at the same time realize the product residues accumulated in warehouses. In the period from 2009 to 2014, foreign trade in wool semi-finished products will decline from 24.4% to 18.2% of total world sales. Foreign trade in wool semifinished products is decreasing due to their high cost in relation to dirty and washed wool. On the market there is a trend of growth of full-cycle production
The report "Analysis of the world wool market: 2005-2014" includes the most important data necessary for understanding the current market situation and assessing the prospects for its development:
• Overall assessment of the current economic situation in the world
• Cost structure for production and sale of wool
• Volume and capacity of the market, the balance of demand and supply of wool
• Population and wool consumption per capita
• Volume of industrial processing and retail sales of wool
• Volume of foreign and domestic trade in wool
• Volume of production, import, export, stock wool
• Price of import and export of wool
BusinesStat regularly analyzes the wool market in all countries of the world, including Russia.
The report provides current data for 182 countries and a forecast for 30 countries of the world: Austria, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Belarus, Germany, Greece, Georgia, Egypt, India, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia , Saudi Arabia, USA, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Finland, France, South Korea, Japan. When forecasting, emphasis is placed on the CIS countries and their main trading partners.
Along with the world market review, you can purchase a separate report on Russia, where the data is detailed by region of the country.
In preparing the report, official statistics were used:
• United Nations Statistics Division
• Commodity Trade Statistics
• Eurostat
• National Agencies and Compendia
• Index Mundi
• Industrial Commodity Statistics
• International Trade Center
• Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
• Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
• International Monetary Fund
Along with the official statistics, the report contains the results of the international research of BusinesStat:
• Audit of wool wholesale and retail
• Survey of wool market experts
Categories: Industry /.../ Fabrics, fibers, linen / Wool
The whole world