Analysis of the global cotton fiber market in 2006-2010, forecast for 2011-2015
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During 2006-2010, the gross harvest of cotton fiber in the world decreased by 13%: from 70.9 million tons to 61.4 million tons. The main reason for the decrease in the total harvest of raw cotton in the world is the reduction of the acreage in the countries leading in cotton production. the fibers.
The reduction in acreage is due to competition from other crops. Thus, in the USA, the area under crops from 2006 to 2010 decreased by 39.4%: from 5.12 million hectares to 3.12 million hectares. In the US, corn is more attractive to growers than cotton. The same situation is observed in Turkey, where the acreage under raw cotton has decreased by 29%. In 2006-2010, the gross harvest of cotton in Greece decreased by 30.2%: from 1.04 million tons to 0.73 million tons. Greek farmers redirected their areas of cotton cultivation in favor of competing crops, mainly cereals. In a number of African countries, several low price seasons obtained by farmers have led to a decrease in cotton planting.
In 2011-2015, the gross harvest of raw cotton in the world will grow by an average of 4% per year. In 2015, the gross harvest of cotton will reach almost 74 million tons. The main factor contributing to the growth of the gross harvest of raw cotton is the growing yield. The average global yield in the projected years 2011-2015 will increase from 2.05 to 2.11 t / ha. Increased yields are associated with increased use of modern technologies, such as integrated insect control, efficient water use, crop rotation, and improved fertilizer use. The most visible of the new technologies is biotechnology, mainly leading to a reduction in the risks and costs of cotton cultivation. However, in some countries, biotechnology leads to higher yields. For example, in India, the yield in 2007 as a result of the expansion of crops of biotech cotton increased by 11%: from 1.26 t / ha to 1.40 t / ha.
"Analysis of the global cotton fiber market in 2006-2010, forecast for 2011-2015" includes the most important data necessary to understand the current market conditions and assess the prospects for its development:
• Overall assessment of the current economic situation in the world
• Area and productivity of cotton fiber crops
• Population and cotton fiber consumption per capita
• Volume of foreign and domestic trade in cotton fiber
• Volume of gross collection, import and export
• Price of import and export of cotton fiber
• Sales volume, the share of domestic and foreign trade
BusinesStat regularly analyzes the cotton fiber market in all countries of the world, including Russia.
The report provides current data on gross yield, acreage and productivity of raw cotton in 88 countries of the world and the volume of exports and imports of cotton fiber for 169 countries.
The forecast for the 25 countries of the world leading in the volume of production, export and import of cotton fiber is given separately: Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Greece, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jordan, China, Colombia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan , Peru, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Syria, United States of America, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Jamaica. These countries are referred to in the report as leaders of the cotton fiber market.
Along with the world market review, you can purchase a separate report on Russia, where the data is detailed by region of the country.
In preparing the report, official statistics were used:
• United Nations Statistics Division
• Commodity Trade Statistics
• Eurostat
• National Agencies and Compendia
• Index Mundi
• Industrial Commodity Statistics
• International Trade Center
• Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
• Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
• National Cotton Council of America
• International Monetary Fund
Along with the official statistics, the report contains the results of the international research of BusinesStat:
• Cotton fiber wholesale audit
• Cotton fiber retail audit
• A survey of cotton fiber market experts
Categories: Industry /.../ Fabric, Fiber, Linen / Cotton
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