Analysis of the global carrot market in 2006-2010, forecast for 2011-2015
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During 2006-2010, the gross harvest of carrots in the world grew by 9%: from 26 to 29 million tons. The largest annual increase in the gross collection from previous years was observed in 2009 - by 4%. The decline in carrot production in the world compared to previous years was observed only in 2007 - by 1%. In 2006-2010, the largest volumes of carrots in the world were collected in China. China’s share in the total gross harvest of carrots in the world ranged from 33% in 2006 to 35% in 2007. Despite China’s leadership in producing carrots, in per capita terms, the volume of carrot production in China is small.
In 2006-2010, sales of carrots in the world increased by 11%: from 24 to 27 million tons. In 2010, almost every third purchase of carrots in the world was made in China (about 9 million tons). In Russia, about 6% of all carrots in the world were sold, and in the USA - about 5%. BusinesStat forecasts that in 2011-2015 carrot sales in the world will grow by an average of 3% per year. In 2015, sales of carrots in the world will exceed 30 million tons.
The increase in carrot sales in the world is primarily due to the steady growth of the population, which ultimately leads to an increase in the production of this product, following the growing demand. Carrot roots contain phytoen, carotenes, lycopene and phytofluene, as well as a small amount of ascorbic and pantothenic acid, anticyanidins, flavonoids, essential oils, lysine, umbrelifsron, ornithine and other substances important for the body, besides carrots are considered a dietary product. Carrots are eaten raw and cooked, canned, dried, added to many culinary dishes. Carrot juice is used for baby food, as well as a remedy against anemia and hypertension. The essential oil contained in the seeds is used in the production of liqueurs and cosmetics. Carrots are the most valuable food for all animal species, especially breeding cattle, young animals and poultry.
"Analysis of the global carrot market in 2006-2010, forecast for 2011-2015" includes the most important data necessary for understanding the current market situation and assessing the prospects for its development:
• Overall assessment of the current economic situation in the world
• Area and productivity of carrots
• Population and carrot sales per capita
• Volume of foreign and domestic carrot trade
• Volume of gross collection, import and export
• Price of import, export of carrots
• Production price and average retail price of carrots for 2010
• Sales volume, the share of domestic and foreign trade
BusinesStat regularly analyzes the carrot market in all countries of the world, including Russia.
In the export and import only food carrots are considered fresh or chilled.
The report provides current data on gross yield, acreage and productivity of carrots for 124 countries of the world, imports for 162 countries and exports for 125 countries.
Separately, a forecast for the world leading countries in the production and export of carrots and in import volumes is given: Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, India, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, Canada, China, Colombia, Morocco, Mexico, the Netherlands , Poland, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United States of America, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France, Japan. These countries are referred to in the report as leaders of the carrot market.
Along with the world market review, you can purchase a separate report on Russia, where the data is detailed by region of the country.
In preparing the report, official statistics were used:
• United Nations Statistics Division
• Commodity Trade Statistics
• Eurostat
• National Agencies and Compendia
• Index Mundi
• Industrial Commodity Statistics
• International Trade Center
• Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
• Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
• International Monetary Fund
Along with the official statistics, the report contains the results of the international research of BusinesStat:
• Carrot Wholesale Audit
• Carrot Retail Audit
• Carrot market expert survey
Categories: Consumer Products /.../ Vegetables / Carrots
Agriculture /.../ Vegetables / Carrots
Industry /.../ Vegetables / Carrots
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