Milk sales in the world are growing steadily. From 2006 to 2010, the volume of retail sales increased by 11.1% from 359 million tons to 399 million tons. The largest increase in sales compared to the previous year was observed in 2007 - 4%. According to BusinesStat, in 2011-2015, milk sales in the world will continue to grow at an average of 2.3% per year. By 2015, the volume of milk sales in the world will reach 446 million tons.
On average, the world consumes 57.2 kg of milk per capita per year. Between 2006 and 2010, per capita milk consumption in the world increased from 55.2 to 58.5 kg per year. The increase in consumption is primarily due to the increase in the material well-being of the population in developing countries. The greatest dynamics of growth in the level of per capita consumption of milk is observed in India and China. In 2011-2015, global milk consumption per capita will continue to grow. By 2015, the world average per person per year will be 61.7 kg of milk.
In 2010 milk yield in the world amounted to about 708 million tons, which is 0.8% more than in 2009. The leading milk producers are India, China, Pakistan, Russia and the USA. The total share of these countries in total production in 2010 was 43.9%. The key milk producer in the world, from 2006 to 2010, remains India, which accounts for 16.3% of milk production in the world.
The dominant type of milk is cow's milk, whose share in the structure of world production in 2010 was 83%. A significant proportion of milk produced in 2010 - 13.2% - accounted for buffalo milk.
"Analysis of the global milk market in 2006-2010, forecast for 2011-2015" includes the most important data necessary for understanding the current market situation and assessing the prospects for its development:
• Overall assessment of the current economic situation in the world
• Milk sales
• Population and milk consumption per capita
• The volume of imports and exports of milk
• Price of import and export of milk
• Volume of foreign and domestic trade in milk
BusinesStat regularly analyzes the milk market in all countries of the world, including Russia.
The report provides current data on milk yield for 196 countries, exports for 120 countries and imports for 188 countries.
Separately, the forecast for 25 countries of the world leading in milk yield is given: Belgium, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Spain, Italy, China, Lithuania, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, USA, Turkey, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic, Sweden. These countries are referred to in the report as the countries leading the milk market.
Along with the world market review, you can purchase a separate report on Russia, where the data is detailed by region of the country.
In preparing the report, official statistics were used:
• United Nations Statistics Division
• Commodity Trade Statistics
• Eurostat
• National Agencies and Compendia
• Index Mundi
• Industrial Commodity Statistics
• International Trade Center
• Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
• Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
• International Monetary Fund
Along with the official statistics, the report contains the results of the international research of BusinesStat:
• Milk Wholesale Audit
• Survey of milk market experts
Categories: Consumer Products /.../ Dairy Products / Milk and Cream
Industry /.../ Dairy Products / Milk and Cream
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