From 2007 to 2011, sales of rice in the world grew by almost 12%: from 562 to 631 million tons. During the period under review, sales of rice showed a steady growth compared to previous years by an average of 3% per year.
Traditionally, the largest sales of rice are in China and India. The total share of these countries in rice sales in 2007-2011 ranged from 50% in 2007 to 47% in 2011. Gradually rice is gaining popularity in other countries, which leads to a reduction in the share of China and India in its sales. In 2007-2011, Myanmar and Vietnam were the leaders in per capita rice sales in the world.
According to forecasts of BusinesStat, in 2012-2016, sales of rice in the world will continue to grow. In 2016, sales reached 694 million tons. The increase in sales of rice will be promoted primarily by population growth in Asian countries, where rice is traditionally the staple food.
"Analysis of the global rice market in 2007-2011, forecast for 2012-2016" includes the most important data necessary to understand the current market situation and assess the prospects for its development:
• Overall assessment of the current economic situation in the world
• Area and yield of rice crops
• Population and rice sales per capita
• The volume of foreign and domestic trade in rice
• Volume of gross harvest, import and export of rice
• Price of import, export of rice
• Sales volume, the share of domestic and foreign trade
In the report, information on exports and imports is detailed by types of rice:
• Untreated rice (raw rice)
• Peeled rice (unpolished rice)
• Semi-collapsed or fully collapsed rice, polished or unpolished, glazed or unglazed
• Crushed rice (rice-chop)
BusinesStat regularly reviews the rice market in all countries of the world, including Russia.
The review provides current data on gross yield, acreage, yield, exports and imports of rice in the world.
Separately, a forecast is provided for the 25 countries of the world, leading in terms of production, exports and imports of rice:
Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Vietnam, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Italy, China, Cote d'Ivoire, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, USA, Thailand, Uruguay, Philippines, South Africa, Japan. These countries are referred to in the review as leaders of the rice market.
In preparing the review used official statistics:
• United Nations Statistics Division
• Commodity Trade Statistics
• Eurostat
• National Agencies and Compendia
• Index Mundi
• Industrial Commodity Statistics
• International Trade Center
• Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
• Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Along with the official statistics, the review presents the results of the international research of BusinesStat:
• Rice wholesale audit
• Survey of rice market experts
Categories: Consumer Products /.../ Cereals / Rice
Industry /.../ Cereals / Rice
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