Analysis of the global diesel fuel market in 2006-2010, forecast for 2011-2015
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In 2006-2010, the production of diesel fuel in the world increased from 1,167.4 million tons to 1,284.4 million tons. In 2006-2008, the production of diesel fuel in the world grew following the increasing demand due to economic growth in industry, as well as an increase in the fleet operating on diesel fuel. In 2009, there was a sharp decline in demand for diesel fuel in both the industrial consumption sector and retail trade. The decline in demand was due to the industrial recession caused by the global financial crisis, and led to a decline in the production of diesel fuel by 6.3%. In 2010, the economy began to recover, the consequence of which was the growth of diesel fuel consumption. In 2010, the production of diesel fuel in the world almost reached the pre-crisis maximum (1292.3 million tons) and amounted to 1284.4 million tons.
In the period from 2011 to 2015, the production of diesel fuel in the world will grow by 4.4-4.9% annually. Prospects for the diesel market are associated with the growth of the fleet using diesel fuel as a fuel. The use of a mixture of diesel fuel and a special “environmental additive” (GTL-diesel fuel) provides ample opportunities for using this product in the markets of developed countries in which environmental problems associated with emissions from road transport pose a serious problem.
The leading manufacturers of diesel fuel in the world are the USA and China. The share of these countries in 2010 accounted for respectively 16.3% and 12.7% of the total production of diesel fuel in the world. In addition to the United States and China, significant amounts of diesel fuel are produced in Russia, Japan and India.
"Analysis of the global diesel fuel market in 2006-2010, forecast for 2011-2015" includes the most important data necessary for understanding the current market situation and assessing the prospects for its development:
General assessment of the current economic situation in the world
Diesel Fuel Market Volume
Volume of foreign and domestic trade in diesel fuel
The volume of production, import, export, storage stocks of diesel fuel
Foreign trade diesel prices
BusinesStat regularly analyzes the diesel fuel market in all countries of the world, including Russia.
The report provides current data for 25 countries: Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Great Britain, Venezuela, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Spain, Italy, Canada, China, Kuwait, Mexico, the Netherlands, Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia , Singapore, USA, Thailand, France, Japan.
Along with the world market review, you can purchase a separate report on Russia, where the data is detailed by region of the country.
In preparing the report, official statistics were used:
United Nations Statistics Division
Commodity Trade Statistics
National Agencies and Compendia
Index Mundi
Industrial Commodity Statistics
International Trade Center
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Along with the official statistics, the report contains the results of the international research of BusinesStat:
Oil products wholesale audit
Survey of experts of the oil products market
Categories: Industry / Oil and Gas / Fuel
The whole world