Analysis of the global market for medical services in 2007-2011, forecast for 2012-2016
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According to BusinesStat, in 2007-2011, the value of the medical market in the world grew by 37% and reached $ 3,098 billion. At the same time, 60% of payments for medical services in the world were made from government budgets. The main reason for the growth in the turnover of the medical market was the growth in the number of medical services provided.
In 2011, the number of medical services rendered in the world grew by 8.5% and amounted to 114.7 billion services. The growth of the physical volume of the medical market in the world is due to the following factors:
• rapid population aging
• introduction of new medical technologies
• an increase in government spending on health care and the activities of international charitable organizations
• increasing the level of medical literacy of the population
• globalization of the medical market
The most significant factor determining the dynamic development of the medical industry in the world is demographic: there are more and more elderly people all over the world.
The average life expectancy of the population in 2011 was 68 years. An increase in the proportion of older people in society leads to an increase in the number of persons with age-related pathology. Treatment of the elderly requires a long hospital stay and the use of a large number of drugs and procedures.
"Analysis of the global market for medical services in 2007-2011, forecast for 2012-2016" includes the most important data necessary for understanding the current market conditions and assessing the prospects for its development:
• Overall assessment of the current economic situation in the world
• Value of the medical market
• Number of medical services provided
• Prices of medical services
• Health coverage
• Medical infrastructure
• Workforce medicine
• Public health
The review provides the following details:
• Medical market sectors: state, private direct payments, private medical insurance
• Types of medical services: consultations of doctors, vaccinations, MRI studies, computed tomograms, inpatient services
• Diseases: diphtheria, leprosy, measles, mumps, whooping cough, rubella, tetanus, tuberculosis, malaria
• Medical staff: doctors, nursing and midwifery personnel, dental staff
• Types of medical equipment: radiation units, computer tomographs
The information in the review is detailed across the world.
Along with the world market review, BusinesStat offers market reviews of selected countries of the world, including Russia and Ukraine.
In preparing the review used official statistics:
• World Health Organization
• Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
• World Medical Association
• Eurostat
• National Agencies and Compendia
• United Nations Statistics Division
Categories: Consumer Services / Private Medicine
The whole world