Analysis of the global market for lubricants in 2008-2012, forecast for 2013-2017
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In 2008–2012, sales of lubricants in the world increased and reached 11 million tons in 2012. The economic development of countries, environmental and legislative regulation, the technological process, as well as the growth in the number of vehicles in the world affect the market dynamics. BusinesStat estimates that in 2013-2017, sales of lubricants in the world will grow by an average of 4% annually.
The production of lubricants in the world in 2008-2012 grew following the increasing demand and in 2012 amounted to 12.2 million tons. Within five years, the figure increased annually with the exception of 2009. More than 30% of the global production volume falls on China and the USA . In 2013-2017, the production of lubricants in the world will continue to grow.
In 2012, imports of lubricants in the world amounted to 2.4 million tons, exceeding the value of 2008. China was the main importer of products in the world during this period. In 2012, lubricants were imported at the highest price to Japan and Switzerland, at the lowest price - to the Netherlands and India.
Exports of lubricants in the world in 2008-2012 increased by 1.5 times. The largest increase in the indicator was in 2010 and 2011. The largest exporters of lubricants in the world in 2008-2012 were Germany and the USA. The most expensive goods during this period were exported from Finland. The lowest export price is fixed for deliveries from Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.
“Analysis of the global market for lubricants in 2008-2012, forecast for 2013-2017” includes the most important data necessary for understanding the current situation on the world market and assessing the prospects for its development:
• Economy and population
• Production of lubricants
• Sales of lubricants
• External and internal trade in lubricants
• Import and export of lubricants
• Foreign trade prices of lubricants
The review provides current data for 150 countries and a forecast for the 25 leading countries of the world market for lubricants: Belgium, Brazil, Great Britain, Germany, India, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, Canada, China, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland. , Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, USA, Turkey, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan.
The review provides additional details on import-export by types:
• Lubricants containing petroleum or petroleum products
• Other lubricants
In preparing the review used statistical information:
• United Nations Statistics Division
• Commodity Trade Statistics
• Eurostat
• National Agencies and Compendia
• Index Mundi
• Industrial Commodity Statistics
• International Trade Center
• International Monetary Fund
• Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
• World Trade Organization
Along with the official statistics, the review contains the results of BusinesStat research:
• Analysis of open information on the market for lubricants
• Survey of lubricant market experts
Categories: Industry / Oil and Gas / Lubricating oils
The whole world