Analysis of the global market of sausage products in 2012-2016, the forecast for 2017-2021
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According to BusinesStat, in the period from 2012 to 2016, sales of sausage products in the world increased by 11.7%: from 58.53 million tons to 65.39 million tons. In the countries of the world, absolute preference when consuming sausage products is given to products of its own production. The share of imported products in the total sales of sausages in the world in 2012-2016 averaged 1.8%.
The world leaders in sales of sausage products per capita in 2012-2016 were Belarus, Austria and the Czech Republic. In 2016, per inhabitant of Belarus accounted for 24.9 kg of sausage products per year, per inhabitant of Austria - 21.3 kg, per inhabitant of the Czech Republic - 18.3 kg.
It is expected that in 2017-2021, sales of sausage products in the world will grow by an average of 1.6% per year and in 2021 will amount to 71.28 million tons. Austria, Belarus and Belarus will be world leaders in the volume of sales of sausage products per capita. Hungary. In 2021, 25.0 kg of sausage products per year will be consumed per inhabitant of Austria, 24.5 kg per inhabitant of Belarus, and 20.5 kg per inhabitant of Hungary.
"Analysis of the global market of sausage products in 2012-2016, forecast for 2017-2021" includes the most important data necessary to understand the current global market conditions and assess the prospects for its development:
Economy and population
Sausage production
Sausage Sales
External and internal trade in sausages
Import and export of sausages
Foreign trade prices of sausages
The review provides current data for more than 100 countries of the world and a forecast for the 25 leading countries of the world sausage products market.
The review provides details on import-export by types of sausage products:
Pork sausages
Beef sausages
In preparing the review used statistical information:
United Nations Statistics Division
National Agencies and Compendia
Index Mundi
International Trade Center
International Monetary Fund
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
World Trade Organization
Along with the official statistics, the review contains the results of BusinesStat research:
Analysis of open information on the sausage market
Interview with experts in the meat industry