Brief description of the study
Ready analysis of the laser market in Russia in 2011-2013 The study contains information on the market volume, growth rates, trends and development prospects and other key indicators.
The research report consists of 5 chapters.
Chapter 1 contains the methodological characteristics of the study: the purpose, objectives, object, methods and information base of the study.
Chapter 2 presents information on the history of the development of lasers, their structure and principle of operation, describes the classification of lasers and their application areas, and considers the priority directions of development of lasers.
Chapter 3 is devoted to the world laser market, the volume and growth rates of the world market are estimated, the leading importing and exporting countries of lasers, the leading world manufacturers of lasers are considered, a forecast of the development of the laser market in 2014 is made, the main market trends are described.
Chapter 4 describes the current state of the Russian laser market.
Chapter 5 describes the foreign trade of lasers in Russia, imports and exports by type of lasers, applications, manufacturers and countries.
Purpose of the study
To analyze the market for lasers.
Objectives of the study:
1. To study the main characteristics of lasers and their applications.
2. Identify the main product categories.
3. Identify and characterize the main laser manufacturers in the world.
4. To identify the main trends in the global market.
5. Identify and characterize the main manufacturers of lasers in Russia.
6. To characterize the modern Russian market of lasers.
7. Determine the volume of exports and imports of lasers in Russia.
8. Identify the main market trends in Russia and in the world.
Object of study
Russian and world market of lasers.
Data collection method
Monitoring of materials of printed and electronic business and specialized publications, analytical reviews of the market; The Internet; marketing and consulting materials; research results DISCOVERY Research Group.
Data analysis method
1. Database of the FCS of the Russian Federation, FSGS of the Russian Federation (Rosstat).
2. Printed and electronic business and specialized publications, analytical reviews.
3. Internet resources in Russia and the world.
4. Materials of participants of the domestic and world markets.
5. The results of research marketing and consulting agencies.
6. Materials of sectoral institutions and databases.
7. The results of research DISCOVERY Research Group.
Sample size and structure
The procedure of content analysis of documents does not involve the calculation of the volume of the sample. All documents available to the researcher are subject to processing and analysis.
Categories: Industry / Industrial Equipment / Laser Equipment
The whole world