In a marketing study of the market of fresh vegetables, conducted by GLOBAL REACH CONSULTING, a comprehensive analysis of the Russian and world market of vegetables is presented in the following segments:
onion garlic;
carrots, beets;
other vegetables.
The report presents data on the volume and structure of the world market for fresh vegetables, considered the world trade in vegetables by types and countries of the world.
The analysis of the Russian production of fresh vegetables is an analysis of the gross yield and yield in the federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation. An analysis of exports and imports reveals the dynamics and volumes of the international trade in fresh vegetables, Russia's main partner countries for the export and import of fresh vegetables.
The study presents a forecast of the development of the market of fresh vegetables for 2016-2018.
Analyze the global market for fresh vegetables:
World vegetable production by type and by country;
World trade in vegetables by type and by country.
Rate the Russian market of fresh vegetables:
Market volume in kind;
Market segmentation by type in dynamics;
Sale of vegetables in the Russian market;
Forecast of the development of the vegetable market for 2016-2018
Analysis of Russian vegetable production.
Analyze the import of vegetables in the Russian market in the context of the following segments:
Fresh or chilled potatoes;
Fresh or chilled tomatoes;
Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other bulbous vegetables, fresh or chilled;
Cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, cabbage, and similar edible vegetables of the genus Brassica, fresh or chilled;
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and chicory (Cichorium spp.), Fresh or chilled;
Carrots, turnips, table beet, salsify, celery root, radish and other similar edible roots, fresh or chilled;
Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled;
Legumes, peeled or unshelled, fresh or chilled;
Other vegetables, fresh or chilled.
Analyze the export of vegetables in the Russian market in the context of the following segments:
Fresh or chilled potatoes;
Fresh or chilled tomatoes;
Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other bulbous vegetables, fresh or chilled;
Cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, cabbage, and similar edible vegetables of the genus Brassica, fresh or chilled;
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and chicory (Cichorium spp.), Fresh or chilled;
Carrots, turnips, table beet, salsify, celery root, radish and other similar edible roots, fresh or chilled;
Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled;
Legumes, peeled or unshelled, fresh or chilled;
Other vegetables, fresh or chilled.
Analyze the competitive environment in the Russian vegetable market:
The geography of the distribution of revenue;
The largest enterprises in terms of revenue.
Analyze consumer preferences in the Russian vegetable market.
To trace the dynamics of consumer prices and producer prices for fresh vegetables.
The share of imported products in the Russian market of fresh vegetables is at the end of 2015 ***%. Regarding the result of 2014, the share of imported products has decreased, and now this figure is the lowest in the last 9 years.
The main share in the Russian market of fresh vegetables is potatoes. It accounts for ***% of the market volume in physical terms (*** thousand tons). This segment consists almost entirely of Russian-made products (98.6%), and the share of imports in it is only ***%.
The total sown area of vegetable crops in Russia in 2015 was *** thousand hectares, which is more than in 2014 by ***%. From 2009 to 2013, there has been a noticeable increase in the acreage of vegetable crops in Russia (an average of ***% per year).
At the end of 2015, imports of fresh vegetables to Russia amounted to *** mln. Tons, which in value terms amounts to *** bln.
Categories: Consumer Products /.../ Food / Vegetables
Agriculture / Crop / Vegetables
Industry /.../ Food / Vegetables
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