Study of world and Russian practice of creating special economic zones on the example of implementing projects for the integrated development of airport territories
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Today, air traffic is one of the necessary factors for the successful socio-economic development of the region and allows maintaining interregional relations at a high level. World experience shows that the presence of developed transport and logistics infrastructure is one of the most important prerequisites for the formation of trade zones, which serve to attract investment, contribute to the growth of business activity and increase incomes in the region. That is why the most successful projects of this category operate in free port zones (free port) or special economic zones at airports.
Unfortunately, despite the existing potential, there are currently no examples in Russia of implementing such projects in airports. In this regard, the R & C Exhibition and Research Center conducted a large-scale study, the purpose of which was to study the foreign experience of the integrated development of airports and the creation of special economic zones on their basis.
This review analyzes the global experience in implementing projects for the development of individual zones with a special socio-economic status in countries across the world. Examples of the most successful integrated projects that contribute to the development of strategic sectors of the economy and the implementation of the program objectives of the state’s development are given, as well as examples of free trade zones operating on the basis of airport territories. Separately, the port economic zones of Russia and other formats for promoting business development were considered.
In the course of the study, key regularities of the development of these objects were highlighted, on the basis of which recommendations for the expansion of airport territories of Russia were formed in order to increase the investment attractiveness and efficiency of both the airport and the region in which it is located.
Purpose of the study:
Analysis of the practice of creating special economic zones on the example of implementing projects for the integrated development of airport territories
Objectives of the study:
Identify the main patterns of implementation of foreign projects for the development of individual zones with a special socio-economic status.
Consider the Russian experience in the organization of port economic zones in the context of the integrated development of the airport area.
To give recommendations on the expansion of the airport territories of Russia with the aim of increasing the investment attractiveness and efficiency of both the airport and the region in which it is located.
Research methods:
Analysis of secondary sources of information - materials of printed and electronic business and specialized publications, analytical reviews of the market
Categories: Macroeconomics
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