This report discusses the global and Russian market of cut flowers in general, and in the context of the five main segments (roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, lilies, orchids).
The analysis of the world market of cut flowers presents data on the volumes of import and export in physical and monetary terms. The report presents both general data over the last 7 years, as well as data on the main types of cut flowers, showing the countries importers and exporters of cut flowers, where the place and share occupied by the Russian Federation is highlighted.
The Russian market of cut flowers is estimated as the sum of the volumes of domestic production and the volumes of imported flowers; a forecast is given for an increase in the number of greenhouse areas until 2020.
The import of cut flowers, its dynamics, seasonality, structure by type of flowers are considered in detail, the largest countries-suppliers of flowers to Russia and the main recipient companies are distinguished. Presents the dynamics of consumer prices and prices of the main producers of cut flowers.
The report contains the profiles of the largest enterprises for the production of cut flowers (company characteristics, product range, financial statements): YUG-AGRO LLC, NOVAYA GOLANDIYA CJSC, MOKSHANSKY shopping mall, ROZOVYY GARDEN CJSC, AGROKOMBINAT YuZHNY, TK "PODSINKI", OJSC "WORLD OF FLOWERS", etc.
Analysis of the world market of cut flowers:
flower production in the world
world import of cut flowers, including by types: roses, carnations, orchids, chrysanthemums.
world export of cut flowers, including by types: roses, carnations, orchids, chrysanthemums.
Evaluation of the Russian market of cut flowers:
evaluation of the Russian market of cut flowers in terms of value;
evaluation of the Russian market of cut flowers in natural terms;
market balance and the share of imported products on the market;
market volume for 2015
Analysis of the Russian production of cut flowers:
investments in the production of cut flowers;
dynamics and volume of production in the market;
geography of cut flowers;
largest enterprises and their market shares
profiles of the largest enterprises.
Analysis of Russian imports of cut flowers (by main types: roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, orchids):
import dynamics in value, kind and quantity;
import structure by type of flowers;
seasonality of importing flowers;
import by country of origin;
import by company to recipient.
The volume of the Russian market of cut flowers in value terms in 2015 decreased by ***%, amounting to about *** billion dollars. The rate of decline of the Russian market of cut flowers in terms of value in 2015 considerably outpaced the rate of decline in physical terms. The main reasons for this include fluctuations in the dollar.
In the Russian market of cut flowers, imported products dominate. However, a positive trend is evident in the change in the share of domestic products on the market.
By the end of 2015, according to GLOBAL REACH CONSULTING (GRC) calculations, the growth of flower production in Russia fell to ***%, as a result of which the production volume reached *** million pieces.
Russian imports of cut flowers in quantitative terms at the end of 2015 decreased compared to the figure for 2014 by ***%. According to *** imports amounted to about *** mln. Pieces. cut flowers, this is *** million pcs. less than in 2014
The average consumer price for cut flowers in 2014 was *** rubles. per unit, which is ***% higher than the average price in 2013. In November 2015, the average price per unit. cut flowers amounted to *** rubles., which is higher than the 2014 figure for the same period by ***%.
Categories: Consumer Products / Flowers / Cut Flowers
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