A marketing study of the world and Russian flour markets is an analysis of the flour market, including the dynamics of the main indicators, the results of 2013 and 9 months of 2014, as well as the market development forecast until 2016.
The report presents the latest data on the volume and structure of the world flour market, the dynamics and geography of world production, import and export of the main types of flour in the countries of the world.
Analysis of the Russian flour market is an analysis of the raw material base of the milling industry, including the structure and geography of raw material production. The report presents data on the volume of the Russian flour market, the dynamics and structure of production by type of flour, as well as the geography of distribution by federal districts and regions of Russia. Presents data on average prices and the level of consumption of flour in the Russian Federation.
The study of the flour market contains an analysis of the volume and structure of the import and export of flour in the Russian market, including geography by countries of the world. The report also highlights the main Russian flour-producing companies, their structure and data on their financial condition.
The study contains a forecast of the development of the Russian flour market until 2016.
Analyze the state of the global flour market:
Consider the volume and dynamics of the world flour production;
Estimate the volume and dynamics of world imports of flour;
Estimate the volume and dynamics of global flour exports.
Rate the raw material base of the Russian flour market:
Gross harvest of grain crops;
Grain yield;
The prices of the main types of crops used for the production of flour;
Factors affecting the development of the grain market.
To characterize the Russian flour market:
Estimate the volume of the market in physical terms;
Consider the retail sale of flour in Russia;
Determine the share of imported products on the market;
Select the main trends of the Russian flour market.
Consider the production of flour in Russia as a whole and in the context of the following segments:
Wheat and wheat-rye flour;
Rye flour;
Corn flour.
Determine the main parameters of the milling industry:
Proceeds from the sale of products of the milling industry;
Volumes of investment in the industry;
The number of employees in the industry.
To evaluate the import of flour to the Russian market, including its main types:
Import of wheat and wheat-rye flour;
Import of corn flour;
Import of flour from other grains.
To characterize the export of Russian flour, including by main types:
Export of wheat and wheat-rye flour;
Export of flour from other grains.
To analyze the consumption of flour in Russia, to identify consumer preferences;
To study consumer prices and producer prices for the main types of flour.
Imports of wheat and wheat-rye flour in the world in real terms over the past two years have been declining at a moderate pace. At the end of 2013, this figure decreased by ***% compared to the previous year and amounted to *** mln. Tons, but it still exceeds the level of imports from 2006-2010.
In 2014, the largest share of acreage for grain crops fell on winter and spring wheat (***%). The share of rye in the structure of sown areas for the year amounted to ***%, barley - ***%. ***% of arable land was allocated for oats.
Altai Krai has the highest rates of flour production. In 2013, ***% of the total Russian volume of flour produced was produced here. In physical terms, the volume of production of flour of all kinds here amounted to *** thousand. tons.
The overwhelming part of the total volume of imported corn meal in physical and monetary terms falls to Ukraine. In 2013, *** tons of these products were imported from Ukraine (***% of all-Russian imports of corn flour), in value terms, imports from Ukraine are less than - ***%.
The share of imported products on the market is quite insignificant - ***% of the total disposable resource for consumption of flour in Russia. Almost the entire volume of the Russian flour market is domestic products.
Categories: Consumer Products /.../ Food / Flour
Industry /.../ Food / Flour
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