Assessment of market feasibility of the creation of a portal of private sports competitions in Russia, the world, 2015.
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The goal of the project is to justify the economic efficiency of creating a portal for private sporting events in the world.
The analysis of the online services market all over the world, a competitive analysis, the advantages and threats are derived, financial calculations are carried out.
Excerpts from the text:
At the moment it is a relatively new, actively gaining popularity method of leisure and business ...
... With the growing popularity of mass amateur sports, enthusiasts began to appear - individuals or small associations that develop the niche of sports event management.
... The total audience of sports resources exceeds xx thousand people a day, xxx thousand in
... despite the ever-growing interest of consumers, eSports is still far from being truly an industry ...
... based on an analysis of the audience of Internet users, in particular its sports sector, the amount of demand for online sports battles was determined ...
... In the course of the work, an assessment was made of the advantages and disadvantages of the project being organized in comparison with the direct and potential competitors in the world and in the Russian market. The results are presented in the following table ...
... Investing is the sum of an average of xxx thousand dollars. monthly...
... The main areas of expenditure of the company are marketing and PR + advertising - xxx xxxx., Staff salaries - xx xxx., Depreciation - x xxx. (depreciation of invested funds in intangible assets - site and MP) ...
Categories: Media and Advertising / Internet
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