Marketing research of the juices and nectars market is a comprehensive analysis of the global and Russian juice products market in dynamics by key indicators (production, import, export, including the results of 2014, the main market development trends).
The analysis of the world market of juices and nectars presents data on the volumes of production, import and export of the main types of juices in physical and monetary terms. The report presents both general data in dynamics and data on the main countries of importers and exporters, highlighting the place and share of the Russian Federation.
The Russian market of juice products is estimated as the balance of domestic production and the volume of imported juices and juice-containing beverages minus exports. Data on the production, import and export of juice products are presented in dynamics, including the volume and geography of distribution by countries of the world, federal districts and regions of Russia.
The report contains profiles of the largest producers of juices and nectars (company characteristics, product range, financial statements): OJSC WIMM-BILL-DANN, LLC LEBEDYANSKY, CJSC MULTON, OJSC GARDENS PRIDONya and others.
Consider the global juice market in terms of:
World juice production;
World trade (export, import, distribution of the current supply of juices in countries for consumption and processing);
Juice consumption (by country, depending on the type of juice);
To characterize the Russian juice market:
Consider the main parameters of the juice market:
Market volume;
Share of imported products on the market.
Identify the features and trends in the development of the Russian market of juices and nectars in modern conditions;
Rate the production of juice products in the country;
Determine the structure of imports of juices, give a description of the main groups:
Import of orange juice;
Import of apple juice;
Import pineapple juice;
Import grape juice;
Import of tomato juice;
Rate exports of Russian juices, including by main types:
Export of orange juice;
Apple juice export;
Grape juice export;
Tomato juice export;
To analyze the consumption of juices in Russia, to identify consumer preferences in the market;
To study the prices of juices (consumer prices and prices of Russian juice producers).
The Russian Federation in the geographical structure of imports of orange juice in physical terms is located at *** place with a share of ***%.
According to estimates, the volume of the Russian market of juices and nectars in 2014 reached about *** billion liters. The fall in relation to the previous year in physical terms amounted to ***%.
At the end of 2014, the share of imported finished products (packaged juices directly for sale), not including concentrates for Russian production of juices and nectars, was only ***%.
According to estimates, in 2014, Russians consume up to *** liters of juice products per person, which is ***% lower than the previous period.
Categories: Consumer Products /.../ Soft Drinks / Juices
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