Marketing research of the sugar market includes a comprehensive analysis of the world and Russian sugar markets by key parameters (market size, raw material base of the industry, production, foreign trade).
The report presents the latest data on world sugar trade of all types, the dynamics and geography of world imports and exports, futures prices for the supply of raw sugar.
When analyzing the Russian sugar market, the raw material base of the industry was considered, including data on the volume and dynamics of production of the main types of sugar in Russia, the geographical structure of sugar production by federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation, profiles of the largest Russian sugar producers. The forecast of the production of sugar beet and sugar in Russia for 2015-2017 is also presented.
A specific feature of this marketing research of the sugar market is a detailed analysis of sugar imports to Russia, which includes data on the volume, dynamics of sugar imports to the Russian market by main segments, import structure by importing companies, by sugar producing companies. In addition, Russian exports of sugar are discussed in detail, the prices of sugar in Russia are being investigated.
Analyze the global market for fresh sugar:
World production of raw sugar in the world;
World sugar consumption by country;
World sugar trade by type and by country.
Consider the raw material base of the industry:
Sown area under sugar beets;
Gross harvest of sugar beets;
The yield of sugar beet.
Rate the Russian sugar market:
Volume of sugar market in physical terms;
The share of imported products on the market;
Retail sales of sugar in the Russian market;
Sugar consumption in households of Russia.
Analysis of Russian sugar production:
Beet sugar production
Cane sugar production
Provide a forecast for the production of sugar beet and granulated sugar for 2015-2017.
Analyze sugar imports in the Russian market as a whole and in individual segments according to the following parameters:
Volume and dynamics of imports
Import geography
Imported sugar producers;
Importing companies.
Analyze the export of sugar in the Russian market;
To trace the dynamics of consumer prices and producer prices for sugar.
Consumption of sugar in the world is growing, in the 2013/14 marketing year, growth was ***%, while consumption reached *** million tons. India is the leader in the consumption of raw sugar in the world, its share in the structure of world consumption for 2013/14 is ***%.
The total sown area of sugar beet in Russia in 2013 was *** thousand hectares, which is less than the area in 2012 by ***%.
In 2013, the highest level of sugar beet yields was observed in recent years - *** centners per hectare. According to the results of 2014, the level of sugar beet yield decreased by ***%. The highest yield of sugar beet in 2014 was observed in the Stavropol Territory - *** centners per hectare.
Russia is one of the largest sugar producers in the world, producing both beet sugar and cane sugar. According to *** data, on November 1 of the current year, from the beginning of the production season, *** thousand tons of sugar was produced.
In 2014, the volume of imports amounted to *** thousand tons, which is ***% more than in 2013.
Categories: Consumer Products /.../ Food / Sugar
Industry /.../ Food / Sugar
The whole world