Marketing research of the chicken meat market is a comprehensive analysis of the Russian and world domestic chicken meat market - the most significant segment of the poultry meat market.
The report presents the latest data on the volume and structure of the global chicken meat market, the dynamics and geography of world imports and exports, the volume of consumption of chicken meat per capita by country. The forecast of the development of the global chicken meat market for 2015 (production, import, export, consumption) as a whole and in the countries of the world is given.
Analysis of the Russian chicken meat market is an analysis of the number of chickens by federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation, the production of chicken meat, as well as data on the import and export of chicken meat. The report highlights the leading manufacturers of domestic and imported products, importing companies, exporting companies and their market shares.
The chicken meat market research contains a forecast of Russian poultry meat production until 2017.
Analysis of the global market for domestic chicken meat:
world production of domestic chicken meat;
world imports of meat from domestic chickens and day-old chicks;
world exports of domestic chicken and day-old chickens;
estimate the global consumption of meat of domestic chickens in the world;
Analysis of the Russian branch of breeding domestic chickens;
Analysis of Russian poultry meat production:
production dynamics;
geographical structure of production;
dynamics of meat production of domestic chickens at the largest enterprises;
compiling profiles of the largest enterprises;
Rate the import of meat from domestic chickens according to the following classification:
import of hatching eggs for domestic chickens;
import of day-old chickens to domestic chickens;
import of undivided chickens of domestic chickens fresh, chilled and frozen;
import of carcasses and by-products of domestic chickens fresh, chilled and frozen;
price characteristics for imported products;
Rate the export of meat of domestic chickens according to the following classification:
export of undivided carcasses of domestic chickens fresh, chilled and frozen;
export of parts of carcasses and by-products of domestic chickens fresh, chilled and frozen;
Analysis of Russian meat consumption of domestic chickens:
the level of meat consumption of domestic chickens;
consumer behavior and preferences regarding meat of domestic chickens;
To determine the balance of the meat market of domestic chickens:
market volume;
the share of imported products on the market;
market development forecast.
The volume of world trade in meat of domestic chickens in recent years has a positive trend. At the end of 2014, the volume of world imports of chicken meat in physical terms increased by ***%, amounting to *** thousand tons in slaughter weight.
The largest volumes of meat and poultry by-products production are in the Central Federal District. *** million tons of products were produced at the enterprises located in the Central Federal District, which is by ***% more than a year earlier.
The main supplier of chicken meat and by-products to the Russian market is the USA. Their share in the volume of Russian imports in 2014 in physical terms is ***%, in value terms lower - ***%. At the end of the year, *** tons of American chicken meat and by-products worth *** million dollars were delivered to Russia
At the end of 2014, the volume of Russian exports of chicken meat and by-products in physical terms increased by ***% and amounted to *** tons. Exports in 2014 exceeded the volume of 2007 by *** times.
Categories: Consumer Products /.../ Bird / Chicken
Agriculture /.../ Chicken / Chicken Meat
Industry /.../ Bird / Chicken
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