The study presents a detailed analysis of the market for alternative (renewable energy) in Russia and in the world as a whole with the division into sub-sectors: small hydropower, wind power, solar power, bioenergy (peat production, pellets and biogas), as well as geothermal power.
The study contains information on resource provision for relevant types of alternative energy, the volume of installed capacity, energy produced and leading players in the market. The report provides information on key events in alternative energy, the regulatory framework, as well as trends in the industry.
Purpose of the study:
Analysis of the current state and development prospects of the alternative (renewable) energy industry in Russia and the world.
Objectives of the study:
Explore the experience of renewable energy in Russia and the world;
Analyze the current state of the renewable energy industry in Russia and the world;
Analyze the history of the formation and the current state of the renewable energy sub-sectors - small hydropower, wind power, bioenergy, solar energy and other sub-sectors in Russia and the world;
To characterize the system of legislative regulation of the renewable energy industry in Russia;
Analyze the potential and directions of development of the renewable energy industry in Russia and the world.
Research methods:
The collection and analysis of statistical information (data UniSIS, FCS);
Monitoring of materials of printed and electronic business and specialized publications, analytical reviews of the market, materials of marketing and consulting companies;
Analysis of a specialized database of Russian enterprises.
Categories: Industry / Power Industry / Alternative Energy
The whole world