Market research of palm oil market contains a comprehensive analysis of the industry on the main parameters of the global and Russian palm oil market (production, import, export, trade, prices, consumption).
The report presents the latest data on the volume and structure of the world palm oil market, the dynamics and geography of world imports and exports, the volume of consumption in the world, as well as indicators of the industry’s development and forecast for
2014/15 MY
Analysis of the Russian palm oil market is an analysis of the volume of supply, structure of import / export of palm oil, including geography by countries of the world. The study also presents the rating of manufacturing companies and importing companies in Russia, data on palm oil exports by sending companies.
The study of the global and Russian palm oil market contains a global market forecast for 2014/2015.
Analyze the global palm oil market:
• Total production;
• Production geography;
• Features of world import and export;
• World consumption of palm oil;
• Make a forecast for the development of the global palm oil market for the 2014/15 marketing year.
To estimate the volume of palm oil supply, to provide a balance of demand and supply of palm oil in the Russian market;
To characterize the import of palm oil:
• Import dynamics and structure;
• Import geography;
• Identify the main producers of imported palm oil;
• Determine average import prices;
• Consider the structure of imports by palm oil importing companies.
Consider the export of palm oil, to identify the main exporters;
Determine the nature of consumption of palm oil in Russia:
• Dynamics and structure of consumption;
• Applications of palm oil.
• According to *** global palm oil production in the 2013/2014 marketing year *** million tons. It is predicted that next year - 2014/15 - the volume of world production will reach *** million tons.
• The main producers of palm oil in the world are its largest exporters. According to the data for the 2013/14 marketing year, the share of Indonesia and Malaysia in the export of palm oil in real terms is ***% and ***%, respectively.
• In 2013, the supply volume increased by ***%, which amounted to *** ths tons, having shown the maximum indicator since 2005. The entire volume of demand for palm oil is fully satisfied through imports.
• The volume of palm oil consumed in the country in 2013 amounted to *** thousand tons, this is ***% more than in 2012, which is the maximum figure since 2005. A year earlier there was a strong decline in consumption of palm oil , amounting to about ***%.
Categories: Industry /.../ Nutritional Supplements / Vegetable Cream
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