The purpose of the study is to analyze the gluten market in Russia in 2010-2014, as well as to make a forecast for 2015-2020.
Gluten market research structure:
Spheres of application in the industry of wheat gluten (gluten) and corn gluten are considered.
The conclusion is made regarding the volume of the Russian gluten market in physical terms based on data on production, import and export. Also presented is the market structure by the share of imported products.
The trends in the global gluten market are described.
The cultivation of grain crops in Russia, including maize and wheat, which are the raw material for the industrial production of gluten, has been analyzed. This section presents the structure of the gross collection by crop types, as well as by regions of the Russian Federation and federal districts.
The estimated data on the production of gluten are given, the structure by regions of Russia is also made.
The proceeds from the production of starch and starch products are analyzed, the rating of the largest companies in this type of activity is made.
The largest market players are analyzed - the enterprises producing gluten in Russia are described, their balance sheets and the profit and loss account are presented.
A separate section of the study is devoted to the analysis of import-export operations in the gluten market. Their volume in natural and value terms for corn and wheat gluten is considered. The largest consumer countries and countries producing gluten are given.
A review of prices on the gluten market was made - the average wholesale price, the price of imports and the price of exports over time are indicated.
The forecast of the development of the gluten market for 2015-2020 was made.
Excerpts from gluten market research:
The volume of the Russian market of gluten (corn and wheat) in natural amounted to *** tons, which is ***% lower than last year.
According to data for 2014, the largest share in the volume of revenues of companies from the production of starch and starch products falls on the Central Federal District - ***%. Next comes the Southern Federal District with a share of 49.5%.
Today, at least 10 enterprises produce corn gluten in Russia. The leader in this segment, as well as in the whole market of starch products and its derivatives, is OJSC ***.
The volume of imports of gluten in physical terms for the year amounted to *** tons., Which is ***% lower than the previous year.
In the structure of imports of gluten in physical terms, the largest share is corn gluten - 87%.
In January-July 2015, Lithuania also became the leader in the import of wheat gluten (gluten) with ***% share. Poland’s share was only 5.8%.
In January-September 2015, in the structure of imports of corn gluten by recipient firms in physical terms, the largest share was taken by LLC “***” - ***%. Next comes PRIMZERNOPRODUKT CJSC - (***%).
On the market, wholesale prices for wheat gluten range from ** to ** rubles. per kg, prices for corn gluten as of November 2015 range from 33 to ** rubles. per kg
As for import prices for gluten, by the end of the year the import price for wheat gluten was *** dollars per kg (about *** rubles per kg), for corn gluten - 0.82 dollars per kg (about ** * rubles per kg)
The marketing research contains 55 diagrams, 6 graphs, 42 tables.
Categories: Agriculture /.../ Cereals / Gluten
Industry / Food Industry / Food Additives
The whole world