Marketing research of the grain market contains a comprehensive analysis of the global and Russian main grain crops market (dynamics, results of 2015, market development trends and forecast for 2016-2018).
The study is considered as the production of grain crops in Russia and the world, as well as the volume, structure and geography of the grain market. The main indicators of the Russian crop industry are considered. The level of world consumption of various types of grain crops is analyzed in detail, consumer preferences are investigated. The study presents the forecast of the development of the world grain market for 2016-2017.
Analysis of exports and imports reveals the characteristics and volumes of international trade in cereals, Russia's partner countries in the export and import of the main types of crops (wheat, rye, barley, oats, sorghum, rice, etc.). The dynamics of consumer prices and producer prices for the main types of grain crops are considered.
The report presents the profiles of the largest grain producers in the Russian market: OJSC “AGRO ASSOCIATION“ KUBAN ”, LLC“ AGROFIRMA “GOLDEN NIVA”, SCC Collective farm “Kazminsky”, LLC “AGROSOYUZ SOUTH RUSI”, CJSC VOSTOK GERNOPRODUKT and others. VOSTOK GERNOPRODUKT and others. VOSTOK GERNOPRODUKT and others. VOSTOK GERNOPRODUKT and others. include company profile, product range and financial statements.
Research of the grain market contains a forecast of the development of the Russian grain market until 2018.
To analyze the state of the world grain market:
Consider the volume and dynamics of world grain production;
Estimate the volume and dynamics of world grain imports;
Estimate the volume and dynamics of world grain exports;
Consider the volume and dynamics of world grain consumption;
Examine world grain prices.
Consider the main indicators of the crop and grain industry in Russia:
The size of the acreage;
The size of the cleaned area;
The yield of grain and leguminous crops.
Consider the volume, dynamics, structure of the gross collection of grain and leguminous crops in Russia as a whole and in the context of the following segments:
Leguminous crops.
To characterize the Russian grain market:
Estimate the volume of the market in physical terms in general and in the following segments: wheat and meslin, barley, corn, oats, rye, rice, and others.
Determine the share of imported products on the market;
Development trends and factors affecting the Russian grain market
Consider the volume, dynamics and structure of Russian grain exports as a whole and by the following parameters:
By countries of destination;
By manufacturing companies;
For exporting companies;
By types of grain.
Estimate grain imports to the Russian market according to the following parameters:
By countries of origin;
By types of grain.
Predict the development of the Russian grain market by the following parameters:
grain production in Russia;
the volume of Russian grain exports;
identify the main trends and factors affecting the development of the market.
To study producer prices and industrial purchase prices for the main types of grain.
At the end of 2015/16, the volume of world imports of wheat reached a historic high - *** mln. Tons. According to the results of the trading year, the volume of world wheat exports increased by ***% and amounted to *** million tons.
According to the results of 2015, the gross harvest of grain and leguminous crops in Russia amounted to *** mln. Tons, having decreased by ***% compared to the 2014 figure.
In 2015, the Russian export of cereals remained almost at the level of 2014, an increase of only ***%. In terms of value, there was a decline of ***%. At the end of the year, Russia supplied the world market with *** thousand tons of grain in the amount of *** million dollars.
Categories: Agriculture / Crop / Grains
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