Marketing research of the beef market contains a comprehensive analysis of the global and Russian beef market (dynamics for 8 years, the results of 2015 and the forecast for 2016).
The report presents the latest data on the volume and structure of the global beef market, the dynamics and geography of world imports and exports, the volume of consumption and production of cattle meat by country.
Analysis of the Russian beef market is an analysis of the industry, including data on the dynamics of cattle in Russia and the dynamics of beef production in live, slaughter and fresh-weight, as well as the geography of production in federal districts and regions of the Russian Federation.
A specific feature of this marketing study of the beef market is a detailed analysis of beef imports to Russia, which includes data on the volume and dynamics of imports of cattle meat to the Russian market in the context of the main segments.
The report contains data on the volume of trade between Russia and Belarus, which significantly affects the volume and structure of individual segments of the industry.
Analysis of the global beef market as a whole and across the world:
world beef production;
world beef trade: fresh or chilled beef carcasses and half carcasses; other cattle cuts, bone in, fresh or chilled; cattle meat, fresh or chilled; frozen cattle carcasses and half carcasses; other cattle cuts, boneless, frozen; Meat of cattle, boneless, frozen.
beef consumption in the world;
forecast of the development of the global beef market.
Analysis of the Russian livestock industry.
Analysis of Russian beef production:
dynamics of beef production;
geographical structure of beef production;
Rate beef imports in the following segments:
carcases and half carcasses of cattle, fresh or chilled,
Other cattle cuts, ground in, fresh or chilled,
cattle meat, fresh or chilled,
frozen cattle carcasses and half carcasses,
other cattle cuts, bone in, frozen,
Meat of cattle, boneless, frozen.
Analyze the price of beef:
prices of agricultural producers;
prices of industrial producers of food products;
retail prices for beef, including analysis of the structure of the retail price;
prices for imported beef.
Determine the balance of the Russian beef market:
market volume;
share of imported products on the market.
To assess the consumption of beef in Russia:
use of beef market resources;
total beef consumption in Russia;
beef consumption by households.
According to *** data, at the end of 2015, the number of cattle in the world was *** million heads.
The world leader in terms of imports of beef in physical terms according to the latest data is the United States. In 2015, the country imported *** ths tons of beef in terms of slaughter weight, which is ***% more than in the previous year. At the end of the year, the United States accounts for ***% of global beef imports.
At the end of 2015, the volume of investments in the livestock industry in Russia grew by ***% compared to the previous year and amounted to *** million rubles.
At the end of 2015, *** tons of frozen beef were produced in Russia, which is higher than the 2014 figure by ***%. A year earlier there was a drop of ***%.
In 2015, Russia imported *** tons of other cuts of cattle of boneless frozen, which is ***% higher than the previous year.
In 2015, the most expensive cattle cuts, boneless, fresh or chilled, were imported from Japan - at a price of *** dollars per kg. Also, the high prices of supplies had products from New Zealand - $ *** per kg.
Categories: Consumer Products /.../ Meat / Beef
Industry /.../ Soy products / Beef
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