GLOBAL REACH CONSULTING, a marketing study of the market for fruits and berries, provides a comprehensive analysis of the Russian and global market for fresh fruits and berries in the context of the following segments:
The study examines the production of fruit and berry crops by species and regions of the Russian Federation. Analysis of exports and imports shows the characteristics and volumes of international trade in fruits, the main partner countries of Russia in the field of exports and imports of fruits, companies, recipients and senders, as well as major brands. In addition, the level of consumption of various types of fruits is analyzed in detail, consumer preferences are considered.
The report also presents the forecast of fruit retail sales for 2016-2018, and also revealed the main trends in the Russian market of fruits and berries.
Consider the world market for fruits and berries in terms of:
World fruit production;
World exports of fruits in general and in separate groups;
World imports of fruits in general and in separate groups.
To characterize the Russian fruit market:
Consider the basic parameters of the fruit market:
Selling fruits in Russia
Volumes and structure of the market
Identify the features and trends of the Russian fruit market in modern conditions.
Assess the production of fruit and berry crops and grapes in the country in terms of the area of fruit plantations, the gross harvest of fruits and the yields of fruit and berry crops.
Define the structure of imports of fruits and berries, to characterize the main groups:
Banana import;
Import apples;
Import of mandarins;
Import of oranges;
Grape import;
Import of pears and quince;
Import of peaches and nectarines;
Imports of lemons and limes;
Import of melons;
Import other types of fruit.
The import structure is presented in the report by countries of origin and importing companies in Russia by types of fruits and berries. Banana imports are also represented by the brand.
Rate export / re-export of Russian fruits and berries, including by their main types:
Citrus Fruit Exports;
Banana export;
Export / re-export of melons and watermelons;
Export / re-export of fruits of corn (apples, pears, quince, etc.).
Analyze the consumption of fruit in Russia to determine consumer preferences in the market.
To study the prices of fruits and berries (consumer prices and prices of Russian fruit producers).
*** Products dominate the Russian market of fruits and berries. At the end of 2015, its share in the market structure was ***%.
At the end of 2015, half of all the areas of fruit and berry plantations are *** - or, more precisely, ***% or *** thousand hectares.
The company receives the largest volume of bananas imported into Russia ***, at the end of 2015 the import of bananas amounted to *** thousand tons in the amount of *** million dollars.