Marketing research of the cheese market contains a comprehensive analysis of the global and Russian cheese market over the key indicators (market size, production, import, export, dynamics over 6 years, the results of the first half of 2016, trends and prospects for the development of various cheese market segments).
The study examines the production of various types of cheeses, leading manufacturers and industry performance indicators. Presents the dynamics of consumer prices and producer prices for the main types of cheese.
Analysis of exports and imports reveals the characteristics and volumes of international trade in cheese, Russia's main export and import partner countries, as well as importing and exporting companies. In addition, the level of consumption of cheese is analyzed, consumer preferences are investigated.
When analyzing the Russian cheese market, the volumes of trade between Russia and Belarus, which significantly affect the volume and structure of the Russian market, are taken into account.
To characterize the Russian cheese market:
Consider the main parameters of the cheese market: sales of cheese in Russia, the volume and structure of the market.
Identify the features and prospects of development of the Russian cheese market;
To characterize the production industry of cheeses, to consider the production of cheeses in general and in the context of the following segments: processed cheeses, hard cheeses, semi-hard cheeses, pickled cheeses, soft cheeses.
The report presents data on the leading Russian manufacturers of cheese and cheese products and their market share.
Rate the import of cheeses, including by their main types:
Imports of young cheeses;
Import of processed cheese;
Import of blue cheeses;
Imported grated cheeses and powders;
Import of other cheeses;
The report presents data on the countries of origin, manufacturers of imported products and importing companies in Russia.
To determine the structure of Russian cheese exports, to characterize the main groups:
Export of young cheeses and cottage cheese;
Export of processed cheese;
The report presents data on countries of destination of export and companies-producers of exported cheeses.
To analyze the consumption of cheese in Russia;
To study producer prices and consumer prices for certain types of cheeses.
In the structure of cheese production in Russia, with a share of ***%, cheese *** prevails.
The largest supplier of imported cheeses and cottage cheese to the Russian market in physical terms is ***. At the end of 2015, Belarus supplied more than *** thousand tons of cheese and cottage cheese to Russia, which accounted for ***% of the total Russian imports of this type of product in physical terms.
Among the products sent for export, the first place among manufacturers is occupied by products manufactured by the company *** - 7.0% in the total volume of Russian exports of cheese and cottage cheese in physical terms. At the end of 2015, the company exported 1,827 tons of products of this type. In terms of value, the volume of deliveries amounted to *** million dollars.