Marketing research of the pesticides market is an analysis of the global and Russian market of chemical plant protection products by key parameters (production, import, export, prices) in the context of the following segments:
Means against germination and plant growth regulators.
The analysis of the global pesticide market presents the latest data on import and export volumes in physical and monetary terms. The report presents both general data over the last 7 years, and data on the main countries of importers and exporters, highlighting the place and share of the Russian Federation.
The Russian pesticide market is estimated as the balance of domestic production and the volume of imported plant protection chemicals minus exports. Data on the production, import and export of pesticides is presented in dynamics, including the volume and geography of distribution by countries of the world, federal districts and regions of Russia. The study contains data on the preliminary results of 2016.
The report contains profiles of the largest producers of pesticides (company characteristics, financial statements): CJSC FIRMA AUGUST, CJSC SHCHELKOVO AGROHIM, CJSC DUPON HIMPROM.
Analyze the global market of chemical plant protection products:
Assess the volume and dynamics of global imports and exports of pesticides in general and in the following segments: insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, herbicides, anti-germination agents and plant growth regulators.
Identify the main trends in the global pesticide market.
To characterize the Russian pesticide market:
Estimate the volume of the market in physical terms;
Determine the main trends of the Russian market;
Determine the share of imported products on the market;
Consider the Russian imports of pesticides in general and in the following segments: insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, herbicides, anti-germination products and plant growth regulators.
Consider Russian imports and exports of pesticides by manufacturing companies and importing and exporting companies.
To consider the production of pesticides in Russia as a whole and in the context of the following segments:
Fungicides and rodenticides;
Means against germination and plant growth regulators.
Determine the main parameters of the manufacturing industry:
Proceeds from the sale of products of chemical plant protection products;
Volume of invested funds in the industry;
The number of workers in the industry.
To study the prices for products of chemical plant protection:
Producer prices;
Average contract prices.
Consider the profiles of the largest Russian pesticide manufacturers.
The global pesticide market in 2015 is estimated at *** bln. Dollars. Compared to 2014, the decline was ***%.
According to estimates for 2016, the volume of pesticide production in Russia in real terms amounted to *** tons.
In 2015, the volume of apparent consumption in the Russian pesticide market *** by ***% and amounted to almost *** thousand tons.
According to estimates, in 2016 there is an increase in imports, both in physical and monetary terms. In relation to the indicator of 2015, the growth was ***% and ***%, respectively.
At the end of 2015, the volume of exports of pesticides in real terms amounted to *** tons (a decrease by ***%), in value terms - *** million dollars (compared to the 2014 figure by ***%).